ATSA3S, ATSS3S, ATST4S GS 33K50H40-50E – Yokogawa


This GS covers the hardware specifications of the Terminal Block that can be used for Modules with Built-In Barrier (FIO) of CENTUM VP. When installing these apparatuses with intrinsically safe circuit, “Explosion Protection” (TI 33Q01J30-01E) and “Explosion Protection of FIO Products” (IM 33Y06K01-90E) for CENELEC Approval should be referenced together with this GS. These terminal blocks are compliant with ISA S71.04 class G3. The temperature range of the module is -20 to 70 °C


Variation of Connection Terminal blocks are used to connect I/O modules with built-in barriers to field devices.  The pressure clamp terminal block is available for I/O modules with Built-In Barrier.

Terminal Block

ATSA3S Analog (Single) Application

ATSA3D Analog (Dual-Redundant)

ATST4S Analog Thermocouple/mV (Single)

ATST4D Analog Thermocouple/mV (Dual-Redundant)

ATSR3S Analog RTD/POT (Single)

ATSR3D Analog RTD/POT (Dual-Redundant)

ATSS3S Analog output

ATSS3D Analog output (Dual-Redundant)


Specify the model and suffix codes.


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• Other company names and product names in this document are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders.