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SST-PB3-CLX-RLL-SST-PB3-CLX-DTM Allen-Bradley ControlLogix 

SST-PB3-CLX-RLL-SST-PB3-CLX-DTM Allen-Bradley ControlLogix 


 • Enhanced design! 100% backward compatible with previous generation (SST-PFB-CLX) Up to 2 times faster Easier to change module’s configuration with PLC in RUN mode Runs without ladder code Module can “Set Slave” address Dynamically add/remove Profibus slaves from scan list 

 • Remote Configuration and diagnostic through RSLinx 

 • Profibus modules can be used in Local or Remote (through CIP networks) Racks Overview 

 • Certified PROFIBUS CommDTM driver for FDT Frame engineering tools 

 • Provides user-defined data space up to 1984 Bytes Input and   1968 Bytes Output

 • Supports all PROFIBUS baud rates   including 45.45 kbps 

 • Manages DP-V1 Services 

 • Simultaneous operation of PROFIBUS DP Master and Slave   

 • Multiple SST-PB3-CLX-RLL modules can be used in one CLX rack Protocols 

 • PROFIBUS DP Master V0-Class 1&2 

 • PROFIBUS DP Master V1-Class 1&2 

 • PROFIBUS DP Slave V0 Typical Applications 

 • Chemical or pharmaceutical application running PROFIBUS PA   

 • Machine builder application with high-speed control requirements   The BradCommunications SST Profibus® module connects your Rockwell ControlLogix® controller to Profibus as a master or slave to scan or emulate PROFIBUS DP I/O.  With the new user-defined data space of 1984 Bytes Input and 1968 Bytes Output, the BradCommunications™ SST Profibus module provides a cost efficient solution to connect the ControlLogix CPU with large PROFIBUS networks.   Remote Link Library The Remote Link Library software provides added functionality to the BradCommunications SST Profibus module by allowing you to remotely monitor or download changes to your Profibus configuration. This is done by routing data from the BradCommunications SST Profibus DP Master Configuration software through Rockwell Automation®’s RSLinx software via Ethernet to the Allen-Bradley ControlLogix backplane. The Profibus Scanner can be used on a Local Rack or on a Remote Rack through CIP networks like EtherNet/IP or ControlNet CommDTM Driver for FDT Tools   By purchasing SST-PB3-CLX-DTM part number, you will get the driver license to use the certified CommDTM driver conforms to FDT v1.2 specifications. It is the ideal solution for connecting FDT engineering tools such as PACTware™ or FieldCare™ to PROFIBUS. It allows the linking with Device DTMs for the configuration and diagnostics with DP-V1 devices including Profibus PA field.

Configuration Software 

 • Supports downloading and uploading configuration files through Serial or Ethernet port • Browse your DP network for slave devices you want to include in your DP Master configuration using the DPView component Scanner Software  

 • Maintains slave status, diagnostic status information on all slaves, network diagnostic counters, and DP Master diagnostic counters 

 • Maintains network and I/O module status information including: 

 • Active Slave Station Bit table 

 • Configured Slave Station Bit table 

 • Network diagnostic counters 

 • DP Master diagnostic counters Diagnostic   

• Built-in 4 character display 

 • COMM, SYS and OK LEDs provide immediate notification of network and system errors Other PROFIBUS® Products 

 • PROFIBUS modules for   Allen-Bradley® SLC™ 500 

 • PROFIBUS USB Adapter supporting CommDTM / FDT Version 1.2 

 • PROFIBUS network interface cards (PCIe, PCI, C-PCI, PC/104, ISA, VME) inclusive DLL, OPC, ActiveX…   

 • Full metal PROFIBUS connector 

 • IDC-technique provides quick and error-free connection 

 • Optional diagnostic LED reduces downtime

ProSoft MVI69E-MBS Modbus Serial Enhanced Communication Module

Модуль связи MVI69E-MBS Modbus

Start1 Here

To get the most benefit from this User Manual, you should have following skills:  Studio 5000 Logix Designer ®: launch the program, configure ladder logic, and transfer the ladder logic to the processor  Microsoft Windows ®: install and launch programs, execute menu commands, navigate dialog boxes, and enter data  Hardware installation and wiring: install the module, and safely connect Modbus and CompactLogix or MicroLogix 1500-LRP devices to a power source and to the MVI69E MBS module’s application port (s)

System Requirements

The MVI69E-MBS module requirements the following minimum components:  Rockwell Automation CompactLogix or MicroLogix 1500-LRP ® processor (firmware version 10 or higher), with compatible power supply.

 The module requirements 500 mA of available 5 VDC power 

  Rockwell Automation Studio 5000 Logix Designer Programming Software 

  Rockwell Automation RSLinx  Communication Software Version 2.51 or higher 

  ProSoft Configuration Builder (PCB) (included) 

  ProSoft Discovery Service (PDS) (included in PCB)  Pentium ® II 450 MHz minimum. 

  Supported operating systems: o Microsoft Windows  10 o Microsoft Windows  8 o Microsoft Windows  7 o Microsoft Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 1 or 2 

  128 Mbytes of RAM minimum, 256 Mbytes of RAM recommended 

  100 Mbytes of free hard disk space  256-color VGA graphics adapter, 800 x 600 minimum solution

Deployment Checklist

Before you begin to configure the module, consumer the following questions. Your answers will help you determine the scope of your project, and the configuration requirements for a successful deployment. 

  Are you creating a new application or integrating the module into an existing application? Most applications can use the Sample Add-On Instruction or Sample Ladder Logic without any modification. 

  Which slot number in the chassis does the MVI69E-MBS module occupation? For communication to occur, you must enter the correct slot number in the sample program. 

  Are the Studio 5000 and RSLinx software installed? RSLogix and RSLinx are required to communicate to the CompactLogix or MicroLogix 1500-LRP processor. 

  How many words of data do you need to transfer in your application (from CompactLogix or MicroLogix 1500-LRP to Module/to CompactLogix or MicroLogix 1500-LRP from Module)? 

  Is this module replacing an existing legacy MVI69-MCM module (refer to section) Legacy Mode on Page 76)?

Package Contents

The following components are included with your MVI69E-MBS module, and are all required for installation and configuration.

Setting Jumpers

When the module is manufactured, the port selection jumpers are set to RS-232. To use RS-422 or RS-485, you must set the jumpers to the correct position. The following diagram descriptions the jumper settings.

The setup jumper acts as “write protection” for the module’s firmware. In “write protected” mode, the setup pins are not connected, and the module’s firmware cannot be overwritten. The module is shipped with the setup jumper off. If an update of the firmware is needed, apply the setup jumper to both pins. The following illustration shows the MVI69E-MBS jumper configuration, with the Setup Jumper OFF.

Installing the Module in the Rack

1 Make sure the processor and power supply are installed and configured before installing the MVI69E-MBS module. Refer to the Rockwell Automation product documentation for installation instructions.

2 Move the module back along the Tongue-and-groove slots until the bus connectors on the MVI69 module and the adjacent module line up with each other.

3 Push the module’s bus lever back slightly to clear the positioning tab and move it first to the left until it clicks. Ensure that it is locked first in place.

5 Press the DIN-rail mounting area of the controller against the DIN-rail. The latches momentarily open and lock into place.

MVI56E-MNETCR ControlLogix Platform Modbus TCP/IP Multi Client Enhanced Communications Module for Remote Chassis

MVI56E-MNETCR ControlLogix Platform Modbus TCP/IP Multi-Client Enhanced Communication Module для удаленных корпусов


The module uses a rechargeable Lithium Vanadium Pentoxide battery to back up the real-time clock and CMOS settings. The battery itself should last for the life of the module. However, if left in an unpowered state for 14 to 21 days, the battery may become fully discharged and require recharging by being placed in a powered-up ControlLogix chassis. The time required to fully recharge the battery may be as long as 24 hours. Once it is fully charged, the battery provides backup power for the CMOS setup and the real-time clock for approximately 21 days. Before you remove a module from its power source, ensure that the battery within the module is fully charged (the BATT LED on the front of the module goes OFF when the battery is fully charged). If the battery is allowed to become fully discharged, the module will revert to the default BIOS and clock settings. 

Important Safety Information – MVI56E Modules

ATEX Warnings and Conditions of Safe Usage Power, Input, and Output (I/O) wiring must be in accordance with the authority having jurisdiction A Warning – Explosion Hazard – When in hazardous locations, turn off power before replacing or wiring modules.   B Warning – Explosion Hazard – Do not disconnect equipment unless power has been switched off or the area is known to be non-hazardous.   C These products are intended to be mounted in an IP54 enclosure. The devices shall provide external means to prevent the rated voltage being exceeded by transient disturbances of more than 40%. This device must be used only with ATEX certified backplanes.   D DO NOT OPEN WHEN ENERGIZED. Electrical Ratings Backplane Current Load: 800 mA @ 5 Vdc; 3 mA @ 24 Vdc   Operating Temperature: 0°C to 60°C (32°F to 140°F)   Storage Temperature: -40°C to 85°C (-40°F to 185°F)   Shock: 30 g operational; 50 g non-operational; Vibration: 5 g from 10 Hz to 150 Hz   Relative Humidity 5% to 95% (without condensation) All phase conductor sizes must be at least 1.3 mm (squared) and all earth ground conductors must be at least 4mm (squared).

To get the most benefit from this User Manual, you should have the following 

skills: Rockwell Automation® RSLogix™ software: launch the program, configure ladder logic, and transfer the ladder logic to the processor  Microsoft Windows: install and launch programs, execute menu commands, navigate dialog boxes, and enter data Hardware installation and wiring: install the module, and safely connect Modbus TCP/IP and ControlLogix devices to a power source and to the MVI56E-MNETCR module’s application port(s) 

What’s New? 

MVI56E products are backward compatible with existing MVI56 products, ladder logic, and module configuration files already in use. Easily swap and upgrade products while benefiting from an array of new features designed to improve interoperability and enhance ease of use. Web Server: The built-in web server and web page allow access to manuals and other tools previously provided only on a product CD-ROM or from the 

ProSoft Technology® web site. ProSoft Configuration Builder (PCB): New Windows software for diagnostics, connecting via the module’s Ethernet port or CIPconnect®, to upload/download module configuration information and access troubleshooting features and functions. ProSoft Discovery Service (PDS): Utility software to find and display a list of MVI56E modules on the network and to temporarily change an IP address to connect with a module’s web page. CIPconnect-enabled: Allows PC-to-module configuration and diagnostics from the Ethernet network through a ControlLogix 1756-ENBT EtherNet/IP™ module. Personality Module: An industrial compact flash memory card storing the module’s complete configuration and Ethernet settings, allowing quick and easy replacement. LED Scrolling Diagnostic Display: 4-character, alphanumeric display, providing standard English messages for status and alarm data, and for processor and network communication status. 

System Requirements

The MVI56E-MNETCR module requires the following minimum hardware and software components: Rockwell Automation ControlLogix® processor (firmware version 10 or higher), with compatible power supply, and one free slot in the rack for the MVI56E-MNETCR module. The module requires 800 mA of available 5 Vdc power Rockwell Automation RSLogix 5000 programming software   o Version 16 or higher required for Add-On Instruction o Version 15 or lower must use Sample Ladder, available from Rockwell Automation RSLinx® communication software version 2.51 or higher ProSoft Configuration Builder (PCB) (included) ProSoft Discovery Service (PDS) (included in PCB) Pentium® II 450 MHz minimum. Pentium III 733 MHz (or better) recommended   Supported operating systems: o Microsoft Windows® Vista o Microsoft Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 1 or 2   o Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional with Service Pack 1, 2, or 3 o Microsoft Windows Server 2003   128 Mbytes of RAM minimum, 256 Mbytes of RAM recommended   100 Mbytes of free hard disk space (or more based on application requirements)   256-color VGA graphics adapter, 800 x 600 minimum resolution (True Color 1024 × 768 recommended)   CD-ROM drive

Package Contents

The following components are included with your MVI56E-MNETCR module, and are all required for installation and configuration.  

Setting Jumpers

The Setup Jumper acts as “write protection” for the module’s flash memory. In “write protected” mode, the Setup pins are not connected, and the module’s firmware cannot be overwritten. Do not jumper the Setup pins together unless you are directed to do so by ProSoft Technical Support.   The following illustration shows the MVI56E-MNETCR jumper configuration.

Installing the Module in the Rack

If you have not already installed and configured your ControlLogix processor and power supply, please do so before installing the MVI56E-MNETCR module. Refer to your Rockwell Automation product documentation for installation instructions.

After you have checked the placement of the jumpers, insert the MVI56E MNETCR into the ControlLogix chassis. Use the same technique recommended by Rockwell Automation to remove and install ControlLogix modules. You can install or remove ControlLogix system components while chassis power is applied and the system is operating. However, please note the following warning.  

1 Align the module with the top and bottom guides, and then slide it into the rack until the module is firmly against the backplane connector.

2 With a firm, steady push, snap the module into place.

3 Check that the holding clips on the top and bottom of the module are securely in the locking holes of the rack.

4 Make a note of the slot location. You must identify the slot in which the module is installed in order for the sample program to work correctly. Slot numbers are identified on the green circuit board (backplane) of the ControlLogix rack.

5 Turn power ON.

POWEREXPD4111 POW-R-BLOKTM Dual Diode Isolated ModulePOWEREX

PD4111 POW-R-BLOKTM двухдиодный изолирующий модуль


Powerex Dual Diode Modules are designed for use in applications requiring rectification and isolated packaging.  The modules are isolated for easy mounting with other components on a common heatsink


Electrically Isolated Heatsinking  Compression Bonded Elements  Metal Baseplate  Low Thermal Impedance     for Improved Current Capability


No Additional Insulation     Components Required  Easy Installation  No Clamping Components     Required  Reduce Engineering Time


Bridge Circuits   AC & DC Motor Drives   Battery Supplies   Power Supplies   Large IGBT Circuit Front Ends

Ordering Information: 

Select the complete eight-digit module part number from the table below.   Example: PD412411 is a 2400 Volt, 1100A Average Dual Diode   Isolated POW-R-BLOKTM ModulePD4111 POW-R-BLOKTM Dual Diode Isolated Module

VM600Mk2/ VM600 RPS6U rack power supplies vibro-meter

Блок питания VM600Mk2/VM600 RPS6U

Виброметр питания VM600Mk2 / VM600 RPS6U


• From the vibro-meter ® product line 

• Power supply for VM600Mk2/ VM600 ABE04x 19 ″ system racks with a height of 6U 

• Input: AC-input and DC-input versions 

• Outputs: +5 VDC and ±12 VDC • Output over-voltage, short-circuit and overload protection 

• Status indicators 

• High-power, high-performance, high efficiency 

• Minimal derating within the operating temperature range


• VM600Mk2/ VM600 machinery protection and/ or condition monitoring systems 

• One RPS6U rack power supply powers a full rack of modules (cards) 

• Two RPS6U rack power supplies enable rack power supply redundancy


The VM600Mk2/ VM600 RPS6U rack power supplies are designed for use in the VM600Mk2/ VM600 series of machinery protection systems and condition and performance monitoring systems, from Meggitt’s vibro-meter ® product line. A VM600Mk2/ VM600 RPS6U rack power supply is installed in the front of a VM600Mk2/ VM600 ABE04x system rack (19 ″ system racks with a standard height of 6U) and connects via two high-current connectors to the VME bus of the rack’s backplane. The RPS6U power supply provides +5 VDC and ±12 VDC to the rack itself and all installed modules (cards) in the rack via the rack’s backplane.

DESCRIPTION (continued)

Either one or two VM600Mk2/ VM600 RPS6U rack power supplies can be installed in a VM600Mk2/ VM600 ABE04x system rack. A rack with one RPS6U power supply (330 W version) supports the power requirements for a full rack of modules (cards) in applications with operating temperatures up to 50 °C (122 °F). Alternatively, a rack can have two RPS6U power supplies installed in order to either support rack power supply redundancy or in order to supply power to the modules (cards) non-redundantly over a wider range of environmental conditions. A VM600Mk2/ VM600 ABE04x system rack with two RPS6U power supplies installed can operate redundantly (that is, with rack power supply redundancy) for a full rack of modules (cards). This means that if one RPS6U fails, the other will provide 100 % of the rack’s power requirement so that the rack will continue to operate, thereby increasing the availability of the machinery monitoring system. Note: This is known as a redundant RPS6U rack power supply configuration. A VM600Mk2/ VM600 ABE04x system rack with two RPS6U power supplies installed can also operate non-redundantly (that is, without rack power supply redundancy). Typically, this is only necessary for a full rack of modules (cards) in applications with operating temperatures above 50 °C (122 °F), where RPS6U output power derating is required. Note: Even though two RPS6U rack power supplies are installed in the rack, this is not a redundant RPS6U rack power supply configuration. The number and type of RPS6U power supplies installed in a VM600Mk2/ VM600 ABE04x system rack, together with the number of modules (cards) installed and the environmental conditions, helps determine the mode of operation of the RPS6U power supplies as either redundant or non-redundant. See also Ordering information on page 16. Different versions of the RPS6U rack power supply enable a VM600Mk2/ VM600 ABE04x system rack to be powered using external AC and/or DC mains supplies. All RPS6U power supplies support a wide input voltage range. A power supply check relay, available on the associated rear panel at the rear of a VM600Mk2/ VM600 ABE04x system rack, is used to indicate that the RPS6U power supplies are operating normally. Refer to the VM600Mk2/ VM600 ABE04x system rack data sheet for further information. In applications where the VM600Mk2/ VM600 ABE04x system rack is powered by an AC mains supply, a VM600Mk2/ VM600 ASPS auxiliary sensor power supply can also be included in the rack. The ASPS provides +24 VDC outputs which can be used by external sensor/measurement chain hardware such as front-end sensors, signal conditioners and galvanic separation units. For further information, contact your local Meggitt representative.


 1. In 2016, the RPS6U rack power supply was improved to provide a higher output power of 330 W with higher-performance and higher-efficiency, which required a redesign of the underlying power supply circuitry. Accordingly, the different versions of the RPS6U rack power supply in use are: 

 • Later versions of the RPS6U (PNR 200-582-x00-02h or later) that define the power as a total maximum output power of 330 W,   with nominal output (supply) voltages of +5 VDC up to 50 A, +12 VDC up to 8 A and −12 VDC up to 4 A.   Note: The total maximum output power of 330 W is a combination load for all outputs as the +5 VDC and ±12 VDC outputs are   usually not simultaneously loaded to the maximum in practice. For example, if the +5 VDC output is at its maximum rated load   (5.35 V × 50 A = 267.5 W), then the combined loads on the +12 VDC and −12 VDC outputs must not exceed 62.5 W. 

 • Earlier versions of the RPS6U (PNR 200-582-x00-01h or earlier) that define the power as a rated power of 300 W,   with nominal output (supply) voltages of +5 VDC up to 35 A, +12 VDC up to 6 A and −12 VDC up to 2 A. 2. In 2021, VM600Mk2 (second-generation) machinery monitoring systems were launched with improved rack modules, notably the MPC4Mk2 + IOC4Mk2, RLC16Mk2 and CPUMMk2 + IOCNMk2. VM600Mk2 systems use the same system infrastructure as first-generation VM600 systems, that is, VM600Mk2 is backward compatible with existing VM600 (VM600Mk1) racks and power supplies. However, VM600Mk2 versions of the ABE040 system rack (PNR 200-040-100-016) and RPS6U rack power supplies (PNRs 200-582-200-12h, 200-582-500-12h and 200-582-600-12h) are also available. The VM600Mk2 versions are the same as the latest VM600 versions, except for the specific artwork/branding/finish. More specifically, the front panels of RPS6U rack power supplies are bare aluminium for the VM600Mk2 versions (PNRs 200-582-200-12h, 200-582-500-12h and 200-582-600-12h) and painted for the VM600 versions (PNRs 200-582-200-02h, 200-582-500-02h and 200-582-600-02h).

Environmental Temperature 


 •Storage Humidity (according to IEC 60068-2-30) Vibration (according to IEC 60068-2-6) Shock (according to IEC 60068-2-27) Drop test (according to IEC 60068-2-31) MTBF (according to MIL-HDBK-217F) Conformal coating Indoor use Approvals Conformity Electromagnetic compatibility Electrical safety Overvoltage category Vibration Environmental management Russian federal agency for technical regulation and metrology (Rosstandart) : 0  to 70 °C (32 to 158 °F) : −40 to 85 °C (−40 to 185 °F) : 5 to 90 %, non-condensing : 10 to 55 Hz, 0.35 mm peak below resonance and 2 g peak above, 6 hours /axis : 6 g peak, 11 ms, half-sine pulse, 3 shocks /axis : 30 ° drop angle : > 40 000 hours at 70 °C (158 °F) : Applied to the circuitry of the power supply for additional environmental protection against chemicals, dust, moisture and temperature extremes : Limited to indoor use only : European Union (EU) declaration of conformity (CE marking). EAC marking, Eurasian Customs Union (EACU) certificate/ declaration of conformity. : EN 55022 class “B”. FCC Docket 20780 curve “B”. IEC 61000-4-2: Performance criteria B, 4 kV contact discharge and 8 kV air discharge. IEC 61000-4-3: Performance criteria A, 10V/m. IEC 61000-4-4: Performance criteria A, 2 kV 5/50 ns, 5 kHz, direct IEC 61000-4-6: Performance criteria A, level 3 IEC 61000-4-8: Performance criteria A, 50 Hz / 30 A / m TR CU 020/2011. : IEC / EN / UL / CSA 60950-1, 2nd edition. TR CU 004/2011. : OVC II : IEC 60255-21-1 (Class 2) : RoHS compliant (2011/65 / UE) : Pattern approval certificate OC.C.28.004.A N° 60224

VM600Mk2 MPC4Mk2 + IOC4Mk2 machinery protection modules vibro-meter

VM 600 MK 2 – mpc4mk 2 – ioc4mk 2 – виброметр

Вибраметр VM600Mk2 MPC4Mk2 + IOC4Mk2 Модуль механической защиты


• VibroSight ® compatible hardware from the vibro-meter ® product line 

 • VM600Mk2 (second generation) machinery protection modules 

 • 4 dynamic channels and 2 auxiliary channels configurable as either tachometer inputs or DC inputs 

 • VM600Mk2 system safety-line to drive all system relays to a safe state 

 • Diagnostics (built-in self-test (BIST)) provides continuous feedback on the health of the modules 

 • Individually configurable inputs (with sensor power supply outputs), channel filters, processing and outputs – with simultaneous data acquisition (fixed frequency or order tracked) 

 • Up to 10 processed outputs per channel 

 • Multiple alarms per processed output with configurable limits, hysteresis and time delay 

 • AND, OR and majority voting logic functions for the combination of alarm and status information


 • Discrete outputs: 4 user-configurable relays for use by alarms and 1 common circuit-fault relay 

 • Analog outputs: 4 outputs configurable as either 4 to 20 mA or 0 to 10 V 

 • Conforms to API 670 

 • Direct system Ethernet communications 

 • Compatible with VM600Mk2 system racks (ABE04x) and slimline racks (ABE056)


 • Live insertion and removal of modules (hot-swappable) 

 • Software configurable


• VM600Mk2 machinery protection (Q1 2021) 

 • VM600Mk2 machinery protection and/or condition monitoring (Q3 2021) 

 • Vibration and/or combustion monitoring 

 • API 670 applications


The VM600Mk2 MPC4Mk2 + IOC4Mk2 machinery protection modules are designed for operation with the second generation of VM600Mk2 rack based machinery protection system (MPS), from Meggitt’s vibro-meter ® product line. The MPC4Mk2  + IOC4Mk2 are second generation modules (cards) that provide 4 dynamic and 2 auxiliary channels of machinery protection and basic condition monitoring in VM600Mk2 systems.

VM600Mk2 rack-based monitoring systems

The vibro-meter ® VM600Mk2 rack-based monitoring system is the evolution of Meggitt’s solution for the protection and monitoring of rotating machinery used in the power generation and oil & gas industries. VM600Mk2 solutions are recommended when a centralised monitoring system with a medium to large number of measurement points (channels) is required. It is typically used for the monitoring and/or protection of larger machinery such as gas, steam and hydro turbines, and generators, smaller machines such as compressors, fans, motors, pumps and propellers, as well as balance of-plant (BOP) equipment. A VM600Mk2 system consists of a 19″ rack, a rack power supply and one or more monitoring modules. Optionally, relay modules and rack controller and communications interface modules can also be included. Two types of rack are available: a VM600Mk2 system rack (ABE04x, 6U) that can house up to twelve monitoring modules, and a VM600Mk2 slimline rack (ABE056, 1U) that can house one monitoring module. The racks are typically mounted in standard 19″ rack cabinets or enclosures installed in an equipment room. Different VM600Mk2 monitoring modules are available for machinery protection, condition monitoring and/or combustion monitoring applications. For example, machinery protection modules such as the MPC4Mk2 + IOC4Mk2 modules, and condition monitoring modules such as the XMV16 + XIO16T monitoring modules for vibration and XMC16 + XIO16T monitoring modules for combustion. The RLC16Mk2 relay module is an optional module used to provide additional relays when the four user-configurable relays per set of MPC4Mk2 + IOC4Mk2 modules is not sufficient for an application. The CPUx  +  IOCx rack controller and communications interface modules (CPUM / IOCN and CPUMk2 + IOCMk2) are optional modules used to provide additional VM600Mk2 system functionality such as configuration management, “hot-swapping” with automatic reconfiguration (to be implemented for VM600Mk2), front-panel display, CPUx  +  IOCx modules redundancy, fieldbus data processing, front-panel alarm reset (AR) button, MPS rack (CPUx) security, system event and measurement event logging, fieldbus communications (Modbus, PROFIBUS and/or PROFINET) and/or communications redundancy. Note: Different versions of CPUx  +  IOCx rack controller and communications interface modules support different combinations of VM600Mk2 system functionality. VM600Mk2 systems are compatible with CPUMk2 + IOC Mk2 modules. VM600Mk2 rack-based monitoring systems complement the VibroSmart ® distributed monitoring systems that are also available from Meggitt’s vibro-meter ® product line, and are compatible with the same VibroSight ® machinery monitoring software suite.

MPC4Mk2 +  IOC4Mk2 machinery protection modules and VM600 racks

The MPC4Mk2 + IOC4Mk2 machinery protection modules monitor and protect rotating machinery as part of a VM600Mk2 rack-based monitoring system. The MPC4Mk2 module is always used with an associated IOC4Mk2 module as a set of modules. Both the MPC4Mk2 and the IOC4Mk2 are single width module that occupy a single VM600Mk2 rack slot (module position). The MPC4Mk2 is installed in the front of a VM600Mk2 rack and the associated IOC4Mk2 is installed in the rear of the rack, in the slot directly behind the MPC4Mk2. Each module connects directly to the rack’s backplane using two connectors. Note: The MPC4Mk2 + IOC4Mk2 modules are compatible with all VM600Mk2 racks (ABE04x system racks and ABE056 slimline racks) and later VM600 racks.

System communications

In a VM600Mk2 system (one or more MPC4Mk2 + IOC4Mk2 modules and any associated RLC16Mk2 modules), the main communications interface is the LAN (Ethernet) connector on the front panel of each MPC4Mk2 module, which is used for used for communication with the VibroSight ® software running on an external computer. In a VM600Mk2 rack (ABE4x), the VME bus can be used to share information between modules in the rack. For example, an MPC4Mk2 + IOC4Mk2 module can provide information such as measurement, alarm and/or status data to a set of CPUMk2 + IOC Mk2 modules which can then share the information via one of its industry standard fieldbuses. In a VM600Mk2 system (one or more MPC4Mk2 + IOC4Mk2 modules and any associated MPC4Mk2 modules), the RLC16Mk2 modules are controlled and operated by a MPC4Mk2 , as determined by the configuration. The VM600Mk2 rack’s Open collector (OC) bus and Raw bus are used to exchange control and status information between the MPC4Mk2 + IOC4Mk2 and RLC16Mk2 modules.


The MPC4Mk2 + IOC4Mk2 machinery protection modules include five relays. The four user configurable relays (RL1 to RL4) can be used by a VM600Mk2 system to remotely indicate system alarm and/or status information. While, a common circuit-fault relay (FAULT) is used to indicate a problem with the MPC4Mk2 + IOC4Mk2 modules as detected by the internal diagnostics (BIST). The relays in a VM600Mk2 system (specifically one or more sets of MPC4Mk2 + IOC4Mk2 modules and any associated RLC16Mk2 modules), are driven by control circuitry that supports a VM600Mk2 system safety-line, that is, a system-wide control signal that automatically drives all system relays ( IOC4Mk2 and RLC16Mk2) and analog outputs ( IOC4Mk2) to a safe state should a problem be detected. In this way, IOC4Mk2 and RLC16Mk2 relays configured as normally energised (NE) can always be de-energised in the event of a problem with one of the components of the relay coil control signal. Note: This supports the “de-energise to trip principle” required in safety-related applications.


MPC4Mk2 + IOC4Mk2 modules, as part of a VM600Mk2  system), are software configured using the VibroSight ® software. To meet stringent cybersecurity and API 670 requirements, MPC4Mk2 + IOC4Mk2 modules segregate machinery protection (MPS) and condition monitoring (CMS) by using separate configurations and different VibroSight configuration software: 

 • VibroSight Protect supports the configuration and operation of the machinery protection (MPS) functionality for a VM600Mk2 system. 

 • VibroSight Capture supports the configuration and operation of the condition monitoring (CMS) functionality for a VM600Mk2 system. 

 • Other VibroSight software modules support operations such as data display and analysis (VibroSight Vision), data logging and post processing (VibroSight Server) system maintenance (VibroSight System Manager), etc.

DESCRIPTION (continued)

More generally for extended condition monitoring system (CMS) applications, the VibroSight software supports the configuration and operation of XMx16 / XIO16T modules for condition monitoring and/or combustion monitoring, including the processing and presentation of measurement data for analysis. VibroSight  is also used to configure and manage CPUMk2 + IOCMk2 modules. Note: The VibroSight ® software is also from the vibro-meter ® product line. Applications information As part of a VM600Mk2 system, MPC4Mk2 + IOC4Mk2 machinery protection modules are ideal for the monitoring and protection of critical assets such as gas, steam or hydro turbines and other high-value rotating machines in a wide range of industrial applications. For further information, contact your local Meggitt representative.


Our business is protecting yoursPower Generation, oil and gas production and distribution, petrochemical processing, gas turbine marine propulsion — these are typical areas where high-value,critical rotating machinery is employed. Safety has always been a major issue and protection systems, including vibratio parameters, are frequently mandatory. 

Main features and benefits Traditionally, separate systems have been provided for machinery protection, on-line condition monitoring, and machinery performance assessment. However, the VM600 Series uses the latest digital signal processing technology–and industry standard communications interfaces — todeliver the most up-to-date, integrated, modular, scaleabl solution to all machinery protection, condition and per formance monitoring requirements, within a single system framework. Only two types of signal processing modules are required — one for protection and one for condition and performance monitoring data acquisition. Each card can perform all of the necessary signal processing tasks, with input from any appropriate sensor, simplifying specification, installation, training and spares holding. 

¥ All monitoring functions (absolute and/or relative vibration, dynamic pressure, displacement, orbit, Smax, position, expansion, etc.) available on a single card

 ¥ Communications over Ethernet or serial links using standard protocols

 ¥ Remote configuration, interrogation and support

 ¥ Local display of levels and status

 ¥ Protection functions independent of condition monitoring functions

 ¥ API-670 compliant 

¥ Comprehensive voting logic combinations

 ¥ Cards are hot-swappable

 ¥ Dual redundant power supplies and communication links

 ¥ One 6U rack accommodates up to 48 protectionchannels or 192 condition monitoring/process inputs.

 ¥ “Platform independent” software –WindowsTM NT/2000,SCO Open Server (UNIX), Linux

DYMAC total system capability


 Afull range of industrial accelerometers, velocity transducers, eddy current probes, dynamic pressure sensors, air gap

 sensors, and ice detectors for high temperatures and other harsh environments.


 Fully autonomous protection systems for instant detection of machinery problems. Protection for both excessive

 vibration and over-speed conditions. A single universal card accepts input from all dynamic and static sensors, and

 provides a comprehensive array of processing and voting logic, with analogue, DC and digital outputs to other systems. 


 On-line and off-line hardware and software solutions for prediction of machinery problems in advance. Automatic high

speed detection of run-up/ coast-down and ’upset capture’ data, 16 channel parallel data acquisition cards, all dynamic

 and static inputs. Sophisticated Condition Monitoring software for machinery monitoring and analysis, including

 continuous streaming technology, logging by exception, interfaces to portable devices and DCS systems, and a full array

 of diagnostic tools such as Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). Remote access over modem, network or internet. Specialised

 applications including hydro turbines and reciprocating compressors.


 Basic Package — manual or automatic data entry, simple performance calculations and trending of aero thermal


 Advanced package — automatic data entry, modelling refined with experience, comparison of actual against expected

 performance giving a true online picture of machinery behaviour for decision support.

 Maintenance Optimisation — fuel used, emissions, calculation of emission taxes, parts life calculation for hot com

ponents, predicted and measured calculation for maintenance actions

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

OMRON CJ2M-MD21 CPU Units, Pulse I/O Modules

OMRON CJ2M-MD21 CPU Units, Pulse I/O Modules

Since 2001, CJ1M-series PLCs are in control of a wide variety of applications worldwide. The accumulated experience and advancements in technology now result in CJ2M; fully  compatible, yet fully new.

• Increased performance, and increased memory capacity 

• Up to 40 I/O unit on any CPU CJ2M-MD21

• Pulse I/O Modules add position control functions to any CPU 

• USB for plug-and-play access to the PLC 

• All models available with or without Ethernet port 

• Choice of serial port plug-in modules


• Five variations in program capacity from 5K steps to 60K steps; scale the CPU to your  application needs. 

 • Faster processors; LD instruction execution time is reduced to 40 ns, floating point  trigonometrics in less than 1 μs. 

 • Optional Pulse I/O Modules can be mounted to enable positioning functions for up to four axes. The module provides high-speed counters, interrupt inputs and pulse train/PWM outputs. (CJ2M CPU Units with Unit Version 2.0 or Later) 

 • Faster Function Block calls and execution, faster interrupt handling, less overhead time. 

 • Added execution memory for Function Blocks allows structured, object-oriented programming  even in entry-level CPUs. 

 • General-purpose Ethernet port supports EtherNet/IP tag-based data links, connection to  Support Software, communications between PLCs, FTP data transfers, and more (CJ2M-CPU3@). • Standard USB port on all models allows Support Software to connect directly through  standard USB cable. 

 • A Serial Option Module can be mounted to add RS-232C or RS-422A/485 communications ports (CJ2M-CPU3@). 

 • Compatible with all existing CJ1 power supply-, I/O-, control- and communication units.

Ordering Information

International Standards 

 • The standards are abbreviated as follows: U: UL, U1: UL (Class I Division 2 Products for Hazardous Locations), C: CSA, UC: cULus, UC1: cULus (Class I Division 2 Products for Hazardous Locations), CU: cUL, N: NK, L: Lloyd, and CE: EC Directives. 

 • Contact your OMRON representative for further details and applicable conditions for these standards.

Pulse I/O Module MIL connector Wiring Methods

To connect to a Terminal Block, use an OMRON Cable preassembled with the special connector or attach the special connector (sold separately) to a cable yourself. Using User-made Cables with Connector Connector Models Compatible Connector SpecificationsOMRON CJ2M-MD21 CPU Units, Pulse I/O Modules

NI SCXI-1000 SCXI Chassis User Manual 

NI SCXI-1000 SCXI Chassis User Manual 

The SCXI Chassis User Manual is one piece of the documentation set for the data acquisition and SCXI system. You could have any of several types of documents, depending on the hardware and software in the system. Use the documents you have as follows: 

 • The SCXI Quick Start Guide—This document describes how to set up an SCXI chassis, install SCXI modules and terminal blocks, and configure the SCXI system in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX). 

 • The SCXI hardware user manuals—Read these manuals next for detailed information about signal connections and module configuration. They also explain in greater detail how the module works and contain application hints. 

 • The DAQ hardware user manuals—These manuals have detailed information about the DAQ hardware that plugs into or is connected to the computer. Use these manuals for hardware installation and configuration instructions, specification information about the DAQ hardware, and application hints. 

 • Software documentation—Examples of software documentation you may have are the LabVIEW, Measurement Studio, and NI-DAQ documentation sets. After you set up the hardware system, use either the application software (LabVIEW or Measurement Studio) or the NI-DAQ documentation to help you write your application. If you have a large, complicated system, it is worthwhile to look through the software documentation before you configure the hardware. 

 • Accessory installation guides or manuals—If you are using accessory products, read the terminal block and cable assembly installation guides or accessory user manuals. They explain how to physically connect the relevant pieces of the system. Consult these guides when you are making the connections. 

 • If you are designing your own module, the SCXIbus System Specification is available from NI upon request. This specification describes the physical, electrical, and timing requirements for the SCXIbus.

Optional Equipment

NI provides a full line of modules that amplify, filter, isolate, and multiplex a wide variety of signal types, such as thermocouples, resistance temperature detectors (RTDs), strain gauges, high-voltage inputs, current inputs, analog outputs, and digital I/O signals. Cables and terminal blocks with screw terminals, BNC connectors, or thermocouple plugs are available to connect signals to the modules. Refer to the latest NI catalog and for a complete listing of sensors and I/O types supported in SCXI

Configuring and Installing the SCXI Chassis

NI provides a full line of modules that amplify, filter, isolate, and multiplex a wide variety of signal types, such as thermocouples, resistance temperature detectors (RTDs), strain gauges, high-voltage inputs, current inputs, analog outputs, and digital I/O signals. Cables and terminal blocks with screw terminals, BNC connectors, or thermocouple plugs are available to connect signals to the modules. Refer to the latest NI catalog and for a complete listing of sensors and I/O types supported in SCXI.

Configuring and Installing the SCXI Chassis

This chapter contains instructions for configuring and installing the SCXI chassis. It describes the following: 

 • Chassis address selection 

 • Voltage and fuse selection 

 • Chassis, modules, and accessories installation 

 • Fan filter maintenance

Configuring the SCXI Chassis

Configuring the chassis involves selecting a chassis or high-level data link control (HDLC) address, line voltage, and fuse value on any chassis. Note Refer to the Read Me First: Safety and Radio-Frequency Interference document before removing equipment covers or connecting or disconnecting any signal wires.

Selecting Chassis Addresses 

These sections provide information about how to select addresses for the SCXI chassis.


Unless you are using multiple chassis and need to configure one or more SCXI chassis for a different address, you can skip this section, and the SCXI chassis retains factory-default address of 0. You can configure the SCXI chassis for one of 32 different addresses so that you can connect multiple SCXI chassis to the same control source. The five switches on the front panel of Slot 0 determine the chassis address. Switches one through five represent the values 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16, when set to the ON position. When set to the OFF position, their value is zero. The chassis address is the sum of the switch values. Figure 2-7 shows examples of both the factory-default setting of the chassis address 0 and the switch setting for chassis address 19

Notes SCXI-1000 chassis through revision D do not have address jumpers or switches and respond to any address, but you cannot use them in multichassis systems. Revision E chassis use jumpers on Slot 0 for chassis addressing. Revision F and later chassis use a DIP switch for chassis addressing. SCXI-1001 chassis through revision D use jumpers on Slot 0 for chassis addressing. Revision E and later chassis use a DIP switch for chassis addressing.


Unless you are using multiple chassis and need to configure one or more SCXI chassis for a different address, you can skip this section, and the SCXI chassis retains the factory-default address of 0. You can configure the SCXI chassis for one of 32 different addresses so that you can connect multiple SCXI chassis to the same control source. Three jumpers that determine the chassis address are located behind the front panel of Slot 0 just below the Reset button. The chassis address is the sum of the values of all the jumpers. Figure 2-8 shows examples of both the factory-default setting of address 0 and the jumper settings for address 19

Note SCXI-1000DC chassis through revision C do not have address jumpers or switches and respond to any address, but you cannot use them in multichassis systems. Revision D and later chassis use jumpers on Slot 0 for chassis addressing.

Changing the Chassis Address 

 While referring to Figures 2-2 and 2-6, complete the following steps to change the chassis address of the SCXI-1000DC: 

 1. Power off the chassis and remove the power cord from the power entry module.

 2. To prevent a shock hazard, wait at least one minute before proceeding to step 3. 

 3. Using a screwdriver, remove the four (six on some revisions) panhead screws from the front panel of Slot 0. 

 4. Remove the six screws from the rear panel. 

 5. Remove the controller from Slot 0. 

 6. Set all three jumpers for the chassis address you want. 

 7. Replace the controller in Slot 0. 

 8. Replace the four (six on some revisions) screws. Do not overtighten.

 9. Replace the six screws in the rear panel. Do not overtighten

Selecting Voltage and Replacing the Fuse for the SCXI-1000 and SCXI-1001

If you ordered the chassis with the appropriate part number (the -0x extension of the kit part number corresponds to your geographical region), the voltage tumbler and fuse are correct for operation in your geographical region. Check the voltage on the voltage tumbler to ensure that you have the correct voltage tumbler setting and fuse. The SCXI chassis can operate with line voltages of 100, 120, 220, and 240 VAC. The voltage tumbler in the power entry module determines the voltage for which the chassis is configured. You can identify the operating voltage by looking at the number on the power entry module when the door that covers the tumbler is closed. The fuse is 5 × 20 mm, which has a current rating relative to the operating voltage. Table 2-4 shows the proper voltage selections and fuse ratings for different regions.

Selecting the Voltage

Complete the following steps to select a voltage: 

 1. Power off the chassis. 

 2. Remove the power cord from the power entry module. 

 3. Using a flathead screwdriver, pry the door to the tumbler open from thetop. 

 4. Remove the voltage tumbler. 

 5. Rotate the tumbler to the appropriate voltage and reinsert it into the power entry module. 

 6. Close the door. 

 7. Check to make sure that the voltage showing on the selection tumbler is correct. 

 8. Reinsert the power cord.

Replacing the Power Entry Module Fuse

Caution Disconnect all power before removing the cover. Complete the following steps to replace the power entry module fuse: 

 1. Power off the chassis. 

 2. Remove the power cord from the power entry module. 

 3. Using a flathead screwdriver, pry the door to the voltage selection tumbler open from the top. 

 4. Pull out the fuse drawer. 

 5. Remove the fuse. 

 6. Install the new fuse in the drawer. 

 7. Reinsert the fuse drawer in the right-hand slot with the arrow pointing to the right. 

 8. Close the door. 

 9. Reinsert the power cord.

Replacing and Checking Backplane Fuses on the SCXI-1000 and SCXI-1001

In addition to the power entry module fuse, the analog supply lines on the backplane are fused at 1.5 A on the SCXI-1000 chassis and at 4 A on the SCXI-1001 chassis. If you are making your own modules, fuse the module at 250 mA to avoid blowing the backplane fuses. Fusing the module better protects the module when a failure results in a large amount of current drawn by not allowing the current to blow the backplane fuses. On the SCXI-1000, the backplane fuses are located behind the fan. On the SCXI-1001, the backplane fuses are located behind the right-hand fan, near the power entry module, as viewed from the rear of the chassis.

Complete the following steps to check or replace fuses: 

 1. Remove the appropriate fan and filter from the rear of the chassis by following the instructions in the Maintaining the Fan Filter section. Make sure to switch the power off and remove the power cord.

2. The fuse marked with a copper + on the backplane is for the positive analog supply, and the fuse marked with a copper – is for the negative analog supply. To check whether a fuse is blown, connect an ohmmeter across the leads. If the reading is not approximately 0 Ω, replace the fuse.

3. Using a pair of needle-nose pliers, carefully extract the fuse.

4. Take a new fuse and bend its leads so the component is 12.7 mm (0.5 in.) long, the dimension between the fuse sockets, and clip the leads to a length of 6.4 mm (0.25 in.).

5. Using the needle-nose pliers, insert the fuse into the socket holes.

6. Repeat for the other fuse if necessary.

7. Check the fan filter and, if it is dirty, clean it as described in the Maintaining the Fan Filter section.

8. Reinstall the fan and filter

Replacing the Fuses on the SCXI-1000DC

There are two fuses located on the rear panel of the SCXI-1000DC. The input power fuse (F1) is a 6.3 A, 5 × 20 mm time-lag fuse. The internal +5 VDC supply is fused by a 3.15 A, 5 × 20 mm time-lag fuse (F2).

Replacing the Power Entry Fuse and +5 VDC Fuse

Caution For continued protection against fire, replace fuses only with fuses of the same type and rating.

Complete the following steps to replace the rear panel fuses: 

 1. Power off the chassis. 

 2. Remove the power cord from power entry connector J1. 

 3. Turn the fuse holder counter-clockwise with a screwdriver and pull out the fuse holder to expose the fuse in the housing. 

 4. Remove the fuse. 

 5. Install the new fuse. 

 6. Push the fuse holder back into the housing and screw it clockwise until it is secure. 

 7. Reinsert the power cord.

Replacing and Checking Backplane Fuses

In addition to the power entry and the +5 V supply fuses, the analog supply lines on the backplane are fused at 1.5 A on the SCXI-1000DC chassis. If you design a special/prototype module, use the SCXI-1181 module and fuse the module at 250 mA to avoid blowing the analog backplane and +5 V supply fuses. Fusing the module better protects the module when a failure results in a large amount of current drawn by not allowing the current to blow the backplane fuses and +5 V fuses. On the SCXI-1000DC, the backplane fuses are located behind the fan. Complete the following steps to check or replace fuses: 

 1. Remove the appropriate fan and filter from the rear of the chassis by following the instructions in the Maintaining the Fan Filter section. Be sure to switch the power off and remove the power cord. 

 2. The fuse marked with a copper + on the backplane is for the positive analog supply, and the fuse marked with a copper – is for the negative analog supply. To check whether a fuse is blown, connect an ohmmeter across the leads. If the reading is not approximately 0 Ω, replace the fuse. 

 3. Using a pair of needle-nose pliers, carefully extract the fuse. 

 4. Take a new fuse and bend its leads so the component is 12.7 mm (0.5 in.) long, the dimension between the fuse sockets, and clip the leads to a length of 6.4 mm (0.25 in.). 

 5. Using the needle-nose pliers, insert the fuse into the socket holes. 

 6. Repeat, if necessary, for the other fuse. 

 7. Check the fan filter and, if it is dirty, clean it as described in the Maintaining the Fan Filter section. 

 8. Reinstall the fan and filter. SCXI-1000-NI

SPECIFICATIONS PXIe-4145 4-Channel, ±6 V, 500 mA Precision PXI Source Measure Unit

SPECIFICATIONS PXIe-4145 4-Channel, ±6 V, 500 mA Precision PXI Source Measure Unit

Characteristics describe values that are relevant to the use of the model under stated operating conditions but are not covered by the model warranty. 

 • Typical specifications describe the performance met by a majority of models. 

 • Nominal specifications describe an attribute that is based on design, conformance testing, or supplemental testing. Specifications are Warranted unless otherwise noted

Conditions Specifications are valid under the following conditions unless otherwise noted. 

 • Ambient temperature1 of 23 °C ± 5 ºC 

 • Calibration interval of 1 year 

 • 30 minutes warm-up time 

 • Self-calibration performed within the last 24 hours 

 • niDCPower Aperture Time property or NIDCPOWER_ATTR_APERTURE_TIME attribute set to 2 power-line cycles (PLC) 

 • Fans set to the highest setting if the PXI Express chassis has multiple fan speed settingsPXIe-4145-NI

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