Reliance 57C424 MaxPakIII high-speed link

AutoMax – A Powerful Combination of Controls Today’s challenge in industrial control is to simplify the task of designing, implementing, and maintaining complex automation and control systems. The natural solution is to divide the complexity into manageable segments, distribute the control function throughout the plant or process, and provide an exchange of information between these segments. The AutoMax Distributed Control System provides many of the same functions of expensive process controllers – at savings up to half the price. The AutoMax system’s “real-time” operating system also provides the user with advanced programming tools not available in typical programmable controllers. And, with its loadable run-base architecture, future product upgrades are easily installed. The AutoMax Distributed Control System is ideal for applications that require millisecond response times and that incorporate sequence control, process control, data collection, or complex math. Applications can range from stand-alone to multi-rack distributed control installations. AutoMax is fully compatible with Reliance’s DCS 5000 Industrial Controller and incorporates many of its field-proven features. AutoMax can be linked to the AutoMate programmable controllers, via R-Net and to Allen-Bradley controllers via standard networks using Data Highway Plus. Using the AutoMax, an industrial control system can be partitioned into subsystems which communicate with each other, yet operate as totally self-contained units. Each subsystem is further subdivided into modules that have distinct functions operating in a coordinated manner. Additionally, the AutoMax System Software separates the required functions of the system into distinct tasks that operate concurrently (multi-tasking) on a priority basis while sharing system data and control signals. The System Software further subdivides the tasks into high level, control, and sequential logic operations and contains three separate languages (BASIC, Control Block, Ladder Logic) to program them.

Hardware Configurations To Complement The System Requirements 

The flexibility of AutoMax allows the control system designer to select the hardware configuration best suited to the application. A typical AutoMax System is made up of one or more units. Each unit can be Multibus rack based or PC- card based depending the system parameters. The rack based units consist of power supply and chassis with various types of processor, input/output and communications modules. The PC-Card based units are either installed in stand-alone packaged versions, which also provide the power supply necessary for the PC-Card module as well as a serial interface module or the module is installed in one of the customers PC computers. The PC-Card modules are complete with built-in DCS-Net and A-B Remote I/O ports. The units communicate with each other using the DCS-Net network. They also connect to I/O via remote I/O networks. The System provides sharing of data between units as well as between programs in the same unit. In addition, the Multibus based rack units provide for coordination between multiple processors in the same rack. This communications and data sharing allows the industrial control function to be distributed among multiple units. 

 • Loadable run base greatly simplifies the incorporation of future enhancements to the system. The operating system is loaded into the AutoMax from a cd. 

 • Multi-processing capability lets you add more processor power in the AutoMax rack when you need it. . .without rewriting your application software. 

 • Multi-tasking makes program development, checkout and support easier by allowing the software to be broken into logical parts or tasks. The AutoMax permits concurrent operation of multiple tasks within a processor according to the Programming Systemspriorities you assign. 

 • 3 programming languages are available to program AutoMax tasks: Ladder Logic, Control Block and Enhanced BASIC. The user chooses the most effective language for programming each task. 

 • High-speed network allows information to be shared easily between AutoMax racks, thus freeing the user to configure the hardware for the most cost effective installation. 

 • Remote I/O capability lets you place the I/O near the equipment to be controlled for reduced wiring costs. 

 • Built-in diagnostics, coupled with on-board status LEDs and digital displays, help to make for reliable operation and easy troubleshooting. 

 • Communications to non-AutoMax devices, such as CRTs and host computers, is simple through the use of available network interfaces and serial ports.

• IBM PC – compatible programming executive features full documentation, on-line process monitoring, ladder logic modifications, and program upload and download capability.

A Multi-Use Controller 

 The design of the AutoMax incorporates many features that allow the hardware and software to function effectively and efficiently in many types of stand-alone and multi-unit distributed industrial control installations

Multi-Tasking Operating System

The AutoMax Software Operating System provides the real-time concurrent operation of multiple programs or tasks on the same processor on a priority basis, while sharing system data and control signals. Though only one task runs at a time on the same processor, the execution of the tasks is scheduled so that each task shares the processor over a period of time. This multi-tasking permits the user’s overall control scheme to be separated into individual tasks which simplifies writing, checkout and maintenance of the application program. Multi-tasking in the AutoMax also reduces overall execution time and provides a faster response to critical tasks.

Multi-Processing Hardware

In the rack based units, internal communications of the AutoMax are based on the widely used and accepted bus structure, Multibus by Intel. Multibus, field proven by years of industrial use, provides a highly dependable base on which to build a very reliable product. By choosing Multibus, Reliance Electric has insured that the AutoMax will meet the demanding requirements of industrial control today and in the future. Utilizing the Multibus standard and the AutoMax operating system allows the implementation of a unique multi-processing architecture in the AutoMax. Multi-processing is a solution to requirements for additional I/O, speed, memory, and processing power in industrial control applications. The AutoMax will accommodate up to four Processor Modules in the Multibus rack along with a Common Memory Module. Other cards such as the Network and Remote I/O Communication Modules, Interface Modules and the general I/O Modules can be inserted in the rack as space permits. The unique feature of the AutoMax multi-processing system is that program tasks are transportable from processor to processor – expansion requires no reprogramming of existing tasks. Memory used to store process parameters and data in any of the Processor modules is accessible by other Processor Modules and this access is transparent to the user.

In conjunction with it’s Multi-tasking Operating System, theAutoMax also provides three separate languages forprogramming, each tailored to a specific need. The LADDER LOGIC language is used for sequencing operations and discrete input/output. It allows the user to program the I/O and internal contacts and coils with easily recognizable names. The CONTROL BLOCK language is used for analog regulation and process control. The blocks are preconfigured control statements that allow the user to easily specify control strategies. The ENHANCED BASIC is used for arithmetical operations, numeric and string handling, and host computer communications. The ENHANCED BASIC tasks link the AutoMax to keyboard and CRT-based operator interface devices. The CONFIGURATION task sets the priority and scheduling of all of the various Ladder Logic, Control Block, and BASIC tasks in the application program and defines al system I/O.

Programming Systems

IBM Based Development Executive Software

DCS Network

56 nodes (1 master, 55 slaves), 1.75 mbaud, Multidrop configuration 3000 ft. with Belden 9259 or equivalent coaxial cable

AutoMax Remote I/O System

Up to 15 remote I/O processors can be installed in each master rack. Each remote I/O network provides for up to 7 remote I/O drops

Allen-Bradley Remote I/O System

Up to 15 remote I/O processors can be installed in each master rack. Each remote I/O network provides for up to 7 remote I/O drops.